
Thursday, November 27, 2003


Stuff that I found some msg boards that I thought might be relevant to the bra techniques.

"Not just how to unhook the bra, left handed, standing facing her, but smiling while doing it, and making her wonder if you have a lot of practice or just did it to impress her, and she only notices a few moments later.I'm not only the type of girl that would notice immediately, but make a joke about the skill at the time.

For the guys that aren't quite as skilled at getting them off, there's a really good cheat that a guy friend once told me. Kissing her neck will usually give you a view of the damn thing if you're in front of her.

Sorry, but the girls I've dated tend to be...blessed. There's no way you can gracefully undo that many hooks. You just gotta flip em over and do it quick as you can."

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

un-hooking of bras?

Maybe we can do a 'beginners course on successful un-hooking bra techniques'. ha!
The double-hook, triple-hook, front-hook and the tricky no hook. yin-yang hook And the 5 way interchangeable bra strap situation.

1. Assess the bra discreetly
2. Finding the hooks
3. Lift and separate hooks

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

tropfest / short film ideas:

yum-hook:: (one day / night shoots - more dialogue based)
dinner table discussions on relationships
asian australian
parents expectations
pick up lines
meeting places
places we hang
meet up at end to be in the same restaurant / or reveal that its all 3 different tables talkin bout the same / related concepts..

each character will represent a chinese gods and fight at the dinner table accordingly... (hard given our lack of knowledge or ability to BS our wayz thru it..

xo-mas:: (potentially got lots of different shoots)
silly asian concepts of festive season
traditions - food (roast pigs, sweets, soups)
red packet traditions
present giving
goin to family functions

Monday, November 24, 2003

farker. you know I'm getting abit worried about this projects schedule. I feel like i wanted a relaxing xmas break to party and chill and make bags (:p) but now, I feel trapped by all the project deadlines...can we please organise a film production committee for corvu to 'share the love' (aka share the workload) please?!!!!

Also are we discussing stuff for workshop this weekend?- cannot meet on thursday because cAzz's farewell is on that night She is leaving on friday. So can do maybe tuesday?

Friday, November 21, 2003

i actuallie like corvu-suic-idol.
very gay. very cool.
?! did i just say that?!?! oh gwad.. i need to get out and stop working.

so agree with el dicko. its soo him.
"what is with these ugly colours man?! they make us look like shit!"

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Where got ideas people?! From last count there are like 5 or 6 people on this blog. Hmm?! Are you In or OUT?! ;-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2003


we so have to use alemay's music in this year's productions "we just like to dig it dig it in , notch it up for me baby..."

And El Dicko can be the nasty one.
"Look corvu yellow colour just doesnt suit you, you should either choose a more flattering uniform or lose weight"

You better not call me Beckitito on the wedding night hehehe otherwise you wil be known as Cabbage Patch kid.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

And the really gay Mark Holden impersonator can say gay lines like:

"Go the stroke" - instead of 'Go the Fro'
"In time" - instead of 'touch down'

And the really motherly Marcia Hines impersonator can say:
"I really like your style homey g"
"You have to up the anti and suck it in"

I like BeckiTITo better ;p
when did i become beckitino? Clintos "fresh goes better, clintos fresh and full of live - . The freshmaker!"

i think we need to rename our bck films to bck - urban! - films.

corvu-idol is fine.

otherwise the other spastic-idol ones, no one will understand.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

jst thought of something lamer...

x-o men ::

the 3rd film ripped off by clinton & beckitino
tag lines....


how bout ... comin this summer....

xo-men :: the 3rd picture by bck films

corvu idol? or tooo gay huh.
how about a beauty contest for the metros?
hey beck,, your story... it seems so ...real? is that the word i'm lookin for? wow.. what realness you seem to beable to express~ its so.. so... touching.. *sob* where do you get your inspiration? share with us your muse!~

p.s i don't this this girl is alwes surronded by guys.. i mean pleeaassseeeee be more realistic! how is our audience gonna believe a story line like that? ..

oei. her body clock aint farked farker!~!!

Monday, November 03, 2003

yes lah. what are we calling it? "Australian Idol" = "Steering Idol" or something gay?

Elaine- that is a truly sad movie idea. As in "that was so lame it made me cry" muahhahha! I have got a way to improve on your story
"there is this girl. she does law. she is very popular with the boys and is always surrounded by them even at insane times like 4am in bizzare locations such as Star City Casino. On weekends she parties hard at ADPs (but she claims she only goes out of association obligations.) She is always tired because she doesnt sleep normal hours which is why her body clock is farked. On week nights she tries to have a social life. but work prevents it...because she works night shifts and sleeps through the day when normal people are working). This is the time whne you play the v energy drink 'revitalises mind and body' and you cut to a shot of her drinking a can of v and getting off her ass to do some more studying abut mandatory sentencing.

can i do logo?! its gonna be bad ass but i liek to think that i'm oh-so creative and can masterly do plentiful artworks which lead people to great admiration for me. okok. i jsut wanna do SOMETHING besides sit here and listen to amazing grace while attempting to study about lousey mandatory sentencing. arghhhhhh

elaine movie idea numbah two
there is this girl. she does law. she is sad asss man. on weekends she tried to row. but shes is lazy. on week nights she tries to have a social life. but work prevents it.. oh so sad! *you crying yet* this is the time whne you play the sad musikk, black and white the screen.. bring on the tears man.
okok. rubbish i say.
can we use the bang bang my baby shot me dead song from killbill in like the scene when person dies.. i mean person dies... rite?!?!?!!?

there is no luv... just wedding... thats kinda odd huh???

the next week will be devoted to weddingness.... if at any chance we have abreak in btwn editing we will talk movies and corvu shitness....

i heard a soppy luv song last nite with oar and ship... ohhh thats right... "i can't fight this feelin anymore... " by reo speedwagon...!!! awesome... usable man...

also as idol stuff is pickin up we need a logo of some sought for corvu idol... and need to pick 2 hosts...

planned purchases...
new pc - dec / jan (approx $1800 + monitor)
new mic - xmas (after film course)
new mouse - late nov / dec



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